Another great Kniterary Night, but the warm weather kept some of us outside. With a small, intimate group we got underway with a few quick announcements, including this updated blog, some new comment and question sheets and the Pass It On project.
Pass It On Project

Last month, Aisling eagerly volunteered to take the Pass It On Project, which so far has had pieces from Mary Charles, Monica, and Mark. Aisling was quite excited to share her contribution to this community piece and rightly so. She knitted a small cotton rectangle, then added a sparkly black cover with the word KNIT! embroidered on top. What great creativity! The next Kniterary member to volunteer to add a piece was Lou, and we really look forward to seeing what she has to add!
Story Time!
Tonight's theme was Story Time and we had some wonderful selections and a good variety.

First up was Aisling, reading
"Socks for Supper" by Jack Kent, an adorable picture book about a poor couple who trade her knitted socks for food and get more in return!

Then, Lisa shared with us the entertaining and timeless story of
"Derek the Knitting Dinosaur" by Mary Blackwood. Derek is a knitting dinosaur who at first thinks that his knitting hobby is strange in the community of dinosaurs, but soon learns how necessary his contribution might be!
Kelly, our fearless leader who is on maternity leave, was unable to make it but foresaw this possibility and had provided Monica with her selection. Reading from
"Knitting Yarns: Writers on Knitting" a collection edited by Ann Hood, Monica read
The Pretend Knitter by Elizabeth Berg. Berg tells of her love of the idea of being a knitter and always wanting to learn to knit, and her traumatic experience with knitting. Witty and touching!

A night of knitting literature would be incomplete without a selection from
the Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl McPhee, and Karen was the one to provide. Reading
Failure to Think from "
All Wound Up", Karen regaled us with McPhee's hilarious story of trying to knit a lace shawl and failing miserably at every we all have done!
Next, Siobhan read another great kids picture book,
Amos's Sweater by Janet Lunn. Amos is a sheep, who is not impressed with having to be sheared again and left cold. But he learns what a blessing it is!

And last, Monica again read, this time from the timeless classic
Through the Looking-Glass, the second half of Lewis Carroll's masterpiece. In the chapter
Water and Wool, Alice finds herself suddenly in a tiny, dark shop with a sheep who is knitting with an impossible number of needles. They magically transport themselves into a row boat, where Alice attempts, in vain, to pick water rushes, with the most beautiful always being out of reach.
Although Pam was not able to read from her selections, she did share with us how much she's enjoyed reading the Kate Jacobs books, both the
Friday Night Knitting Club, and
Knit Two.
We are very excited for next month's Kniterary on Zentangle Drawing, presented by Anne Gallant, who will demonstrate this technique for expanding your creativity. Something a little different for Kniterary, to be sure!
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