If you aren't inspired to start spinning after the other night, then you'll never be inspired to spin! Mary Charles presented a fantastic evening on preparing wool for spinning. We learned about the various kinds of locks and roving, how to clean and preparing wool for carding and the current trends in spinning.
The Pass-It-On-Project
Monica had the PIOP for the final Kniterary month. As you can see, this monstrosity, er masterpiece, has grown considerably. Click the "Pass It On Project" tab above to see its evolution.
The project will now be making a migration to the Spinners and Weavers Guild of Peterborough, with Mary Charles and we will stay in contact to see its future transformations.
Five years ago this November, Kate Siena and Kelly Plunkett had a brilliant idea to create a space for the Peterborough community to learn knitting and crocheting, and to socialize with other crafters. You can read the whole original story on the Examiner website.
To celebrate we enjoyed a wonderful cake, crafted especially by Lisa at Black Honey on Hunter Street...
Kelly made a rare trip out (cursed babies!) to help us celebrate, and recounted the story of the creation of Kniterary.
A great shot of the Kniterary members who came out to celebrate!

Then Monica read a great title by Tomie dePaola (thanks for the recommendation, Christina!), about shearing, carding, spinning, weaving and sewing a new cloak...from sheep to cloak in just a few pages. Very appropriate title after Mary's fantastic presentation!
- available from the library