Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sorry about the hiatus...

There has been a serious lack of monthly entries (April and May...what?), and Monica will take all of the blame for that. She has been considerably busier with her day job and has found very little extra time in the evenings to keep up.

But, she is promising to make a better effort, and without further ado...

April was the Destash fundraiser, where members brought in their unwanted stash, perused the stash of others and purchased some great yarn for very reasonable rates. All of the proceeds went to the YWCA Cross Roads Shelter for Women, and we raised over $80!

May was Bring a Friend night. In the hopes of bringing up our dwindling numbers, we invited members to bring a friend to Kniterary. We wanted to bring some new faces out, spread the love of knitting and maybe teach those faces a new skill. The award to most friends dragged brought to Kniterary goes to Mary Charles who introduced a veritable baseball team to our midst!

June will be a first for Kniterary. Teaching Kids to Knit will be a rowdy night of fun knitting activities. Not to worry, though...these activities will be fun for everyone, not just the youngest members. We will have finger knitting, team and solo arm knitting, loom knitting and more. We are hoping that some of our youngest members will help us, but we really want to see some new young faces out. School ends on June 26th, so Monday the 29th is not a school excuses for not coming out for this evening!

And on that note, we should address a major problem with our dwindling numbers. Over the last few years (we have been meeting since November 2009!), we have seen nights when there has been as few as six or seven people, and as many as fifty-five. But recently, our numbers have been holding steady at 20ish, give or take, and we'd like to see more people filling up those chairs. We are going to take a short break for the summer, rather than hosting movie nights, to concentrate on getting the word out about Kniterary Nights and hopefully drum up more interest. Get the word out and encourage people to come out....tell them how much fun it is, tell them how important a skill it is, just tell them to come out. We will see you again in September, when we will plan another great night; suggestions for topics are very welcome. Just comment on the blog, or email Monica or Kelly with ideas. Keep checking back as we will update our Upcoming Nights page with more information.